Ruby: The Birthstone of July
Ruby crowned as ‘King of Gemstones’ owing to colour, brilliance and hardness. It stands third in a scale of hardness in minerals after Diamonds and Moissanite. It has a hardness of 9.0 on Mohs scale whereas Diamond has a hardness of 10.0 and Moissanite stands between Diamond and Ruby in terms of hardness.
Red which is the primary colour of Ruby is associated with affection and liveliness, enthusiasm and authority. Red is also the colour of valour, a rare virtue among human beings and so are the rubies. Rubies derive its name from Ruber a Latin word meaning Red. In the ancient Indian and Latin cultures, Ruby was highly accorded. Ruby linked to Fire as its fiery colour considered being sacred by Indian and Greek cultures and as both were Fire-worshippers. It was used as a medication for blood and heart-related diseases during the ancient period. Some used it as a talisman for protection during battles. It is also the birthstone for people born in the month of July.
Ruby and Emeralds can be termed as cousins to each other as they belong to same mineral family ‘Corundum’. Though the Pure Corundum is colourless, the one with Red colour is termed as Ruby while with other colours are said to be Emeralds. The colour to Rubies is due to the presence of aluminium oxide and chrome along with a presence of other elements subject to the area where it is mined. Cutting short the physical properties of Ruby we wish to draw your attention to the specialities of Ruby one should bear in mind before buy ruby online.
Colour: Ruby is rated on the basis of its colour. Colour plays a dominant role in ascertaining the price of Ruby. The colour of Ruby ranges from fiery-orange red to deep purple-red. Tone, Hue, and Intensity are the measuring components of Ruby. While tone spells out deepness of Red, hue specifies the presence of other colours and intensity or saturation describes a degree of brown or grey colours in ruby. The Pigeon blood or Burmese Rubies sourced from mines of Burma (Myanmar) are benchmarks for the colour of Ruby.
Cut: In comparison to Diamond cuts, the best ruby cuts have a greater depth/width ratio. High-quality Rubies have cuts ranging from 65 to 80%. By making deep cuts not only weight is maintained, the cost of gemstone increases too. A Ruby stone will look smaller and emit more colours. Inversely, stone with the shallow cut will look bigger but light in colour. A Ruby with the perfect cut is difficult to find owing to preciousness and rarity which prompt fasteners to cut lesser than required.
Enrichment: Making up or enrichment or adding up of enhancements to improve the quality of gemstone is a normal practice in trade. For enhancement of Ruby, heat treatment is commonly used. This treatment is generally done to remove blue patches in the gemstone. Heat treatment is given in two manners, one, conventional blowpipe and chemical burner system and other using chemicals. One more way of enhancements is glass fractures of the ruby with lead glass or some other minerals are added with lead glass to enhance colour.
One more significant property of recognizing a good ruby is the presence of silk which is in fact very fine needles of retiling which are often termed as fingerprints or originality of the stone. This also affirms the validity and naturalness of stone.
Rasav Gems has a commitment with buyers of Wholesale loose gemstones that we deal in natural and high-quality gemstones only. Our vast and vivid collection of Rubies in all shapes, sizes, and colour meet almost all needs of the buyer but on specific need one can get the choice customized as per need. Rasav Gems offers an online option where one can buy loose ruby online with
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