Buy Loose Sapphires Online

A member of Corundum fraternity Sapphire is a family member of Ruby. Actually, Corundum a colorless mineral is known as Ruby when inclusions emit hues of Red color. It is Sapphire when found in shades of Blue, Yellow, Purple, Orange or Green. The Name Sapphire like Ruby finds origin in the Latin language. In Latin, it is known as ‘Sapphires’ or ‘Blue Stone’. Being a member of Corundum family Sapphire is recognized for its hardness and is on the same level as Ruby at 9.0 on the Mohs scale. Sapphire one from the exclusive group of Precious gemstones is a gemstone denoting devotion. It represents trust, honesty, purity, and loyalty. Its association with the royalty and romance can be gauged from the fact that Princess Diana was given a blue sapphire ring by Prince Charles on their engagement. Sapphire is a legendary gemstone which had been a glittering possession of many famous Emperors and Queens of the yore. Sapphires have adorned many historical crowns. Sapphires along with...