Opal - October Birthstone | Rasav Gems

Opal Meaning: - Opal is a Gemstone of inspiration, which enhances imagination and creativity. In India, opals are the charming Gemstone known as “Goddess of Rainbows” who twisted into stone to escape the undesirable advances of other gods. In Greek mythology, opals were accepted to be Zeus' tears of satisfaction after the victory over the Titans. Australia is a reputed country of Opal’s origin. Approximate 95% of all classic opals come from the dry and remote outback deserts. Opals are also mined in Mexico, Brazil and the West African country of Mali. INTERESTING FACTS: - Opal is a beautiful stone amongst the most wonderful gemstone in the world. There is always more than meets the eye for opals. They look wonderful on Hoops, rings, pendants, brooch, watches and on so many various things. Opal is the authority birth...